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How to Have Peace of Mind with Hope Doctor Joyce Brown_Faith Based Suicide Prevention

How to Have Peace of Mind

Yesterday is already a dream. Tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope and desire!

If you want to have peace of mind, put the following principles into practice today.

DESIRE: Develop a deep desire to fulfill your mission on earth.  First, determine your true purpose for living, according to God’s plan for you.  Get excited about life.  Be actively engaged in a worthy cause for others and for yourself, and this world.  Give of your time and talents. “As ye give so shall ye recieve.”

VISUALIZE: Mentally visualize yourself as calm, capable, serene, yet enthusiastic and successful in your day-to-day living, especially as a worthwhile person. "As ye believe, so shall ye receive."

PONDER/MEDITATE: Be serious about time and how you use it. Make time for thoughtful praying and reading the scriptures. Ask for diving guidance, inspiration, and peace of mind. Ponder and listen to the whisperings of the Spirit. Take time to read, ponder, pray and meditate; it improves your spirituality and "Reap miracles and peace of mind."

RECOGNIZE/ACKNOWLEDGE: Take time to give thanks for the many blessings bestowed daily. Think positive thoughts. Create positive actions. The mind attracts like a magnet. Therefore, permit only those thoughts to remain in your mind that you desire to have manifested in your life, and you will "reap rewarding, miraculous results."

REALIZE: You are a child of The Most High God. You have been born at a particular time in the world’s history for a glorious purpose. Seek to find what it is and to do the best you can with what you have, and with where you are; then seek to improve upon these circumstances.

UNDERSTAND: Appreciate the importance of time. Life is too short to be angry or to hold grudges. Learn from the past but live for the future. Also know, it is in forgiving that forgiveness is received. Prioritize your time putting the Savior in the center of your life.

When you live in harmony with truth you are entitled to inspiration, guidance and blessings. "Seek and ye shall find."

This is an exciting time in the world’s history; even with all of the world’s problems, it is an exciting time to be alive. Time is too valuable to be wasted; put it to the best use now

Life is a Miracle, Believe in Miracles, Expect Miracles, BE A MIRACLE FOR SOMEONE ELSE…and you will REAP MIRACLES AND HAVE PEACE OF MIND

Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal! Have a miraculous day!

From my heart to yours,
with love and prayers
for special blessings,

Dr. Joyce
