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Hope Doctor Joyce Brown on the Power of a Positive Mental Attitude for Depression and Faith Based Suicide Prevention

The Power of a Positive Mental Attitude

“There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference.
The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”

–Napoleon Hill, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude


Develop a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)

Your mental attitude has a profound effect on your life. Your mental attitude is often the determining factor in your relationships, your health, your wealth, and your overall happiness and success.

“All doctors know, and most of them will admit,
that the patient’s mental attitude is more important in curing
physical ailments than any other single factor.”

—Napoleon Hill (1883—1970), You Can Work Your Own Miracles

The good news is that your mental attitude is entirely up to you. No matter what happens, no matter how difficult your situation, no matter what those around you are doing and saying, you can choose to have a positive mental attitude, or you can let yourself slip into a negative mental attitude. The choice is completely up to you. You do not, however, have control over the consequences of your attitude. So, be sure to choose wisely, and choose often.

From my heart to yours!
With love and prayers for special blessings,

Dr. Joyce,

877-375-6923 (877-DR-JOYCE)


Joyce H. Brown, Ph.D., N.D., "The Hope Doctor"
Board Certified Stress Relief Specialist, Author & Speaker
For more information, copies of her book, or to hire Dr. Joyce as a speaker, click here.

Stress & Grief Relief, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization founded to help prevent suicide and its causes.
Learn how you can help prevent anxiety, stress, depression, and suicide, contact Dr. Joyce and ASK HOW.
